Media literacy in the classroom: reflection at your own practice
Five domains of media literacy
According to the DigCompEdu model, you need to enable your students' competence in 5 domains as per "facilitating learners' digital competence". We aim to make this concrete by linking specific themes and examples. Below you'll find some examples:
Exercise: what media literacy teaching am I already doing?
Now it’s time to check if you’re already working on media literacy in your practice. As you have seen in this module, media literacy can be incorporated in a lot of subjects.
Download this template to do a media literacy check before proceeding to the next module.
What you have learned in module 1
You're at the end of module 1. By completing this module, you achieved the following objectives:
- develop a comprehensive understanding of media literacy.
- identify the local and global impact of media literacy in the country, community and school environment.
- identify the different aspects of media literacy that are important in education (based on DigCompEDU).
- situate the place of media literacy in the school curriculum.
- develop your own vision on media literacy.
In module 2, we're looking at why you should teach media literacy in the classroom and analyse your own school context to fulfill its needs regarding media literacy.
See you in the next module!