Constructing Creative Writing

Creative Writing is an excellent way to share your learning journey with future teachers or employers, but from a more personal aspect. Your creative writing can be formatted in whatever way you feel most comfortable/most confident with. The focus for your creative writing could be all the workshops you've taken part in (as one big image) or just one specific workshop. Either way, this guide will help you to create it.

So, what is creative writing? Creative writing is a form of artistic expression that draws on the imagination to show meaning through the use of imagery, narrative, etc. Creative writing comes in many forms; for example, short stories, script, poetry, song, etc. Creative writing is a short and simple way of reflecting on our own skills development through the workshops. It will encourage us to think about what we have learnt, how we can use the acquired skills, the ways in which we continue to develop them, and why they are useful for applying for university or a job.

This guide is going to offer prompts for you to think about and possibly reflect upon. This process is very similar to the blog; the creative writing is also a record of a personal journey, therefore we are not going to tell you what you need to include, instead, we are going to try and be the inspiration for when you need it.

Before you begin you will need to pick a title for your creative writing piece. Now, remember, this is for future employees/educators so make sure it is fun, simple and clear, but not inappropriate!

Now let's think about your creative writing task. You may want to return to this list of prompts during the period of you writing your creative piece. It might be that only some of these prompts are relevant for your particular creative task, and that is okay, but try and work through them and see what you can create.

The workshop I am reflecting on is.....

The skills I am going to cover in my blog post are.....

My audience is for this one is.....

The post will be …......long

Before we start creating your creative writing piece you need to consider your skills in critical thinking (by reflecting on the positive and negatives and how your learning will assist you in the future), communication (how you worked with others, or created a piece of work to share your knowledge and experience), collaboration (working with others), and creativity (developing something new and presenting it a new format) and how they were gained/developed in your chosen workshop. These prompts will spark some thoughts/feelings when it comes to reflecting in your creative writing task, whichever one you decide to pick.

I’ll think about critical thinking by.......

I’ll think about creativity by....... 

I’ll think about collaboration by......

I’ll thinking about communication by.........

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